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If you, like us, have purchased brand new appliances when you moved into your current home, you might find that all of them seem to simultaneously be breaking down. Most modern appliances have an expiration date, and they will start to show signs D-day is approaching sometimes years or months in advance.
When you start noticing your fridge doesn’t work as well as it used to, despite the repairman saying there’s nothing wrong with it, it may be time to look for a replacement. Here are the telltale signs your fridge is telling you it’s time to look for a newer model.
Food Isn’t as Cold as It Used to Be
One of the first and most obvious signs that imply it might be time to replace your fridge is that your food is no longer as cold as it used to be, as the appliance fails to maintain a consistently cold temperature. You may notice your drinks are not as cold as they used to be, or that fruits come out of the fridge feeling warm.
Keeping food fresh and cold is the core purpose of a fridge, and when it is no longer capable of doing it, it is possible that it has reached the end of its life. Use an appliance thermometer to keep track of the temperature inside, and if it is off, consider replacing your appliance.
If you have set it to the right temperature and you notice items are noticeably less cool, you can try to temporarily set it to a colder setting, while you are looking for a new one.
It’s Making a Loud Buzzing Sound
An unusual, loud buzzing sound coming from your fridge could be a sign of trouble.
If the noise sounds like a vibration, check if the fridge is properly levelled. If necessary, adjust the levelling screws to make the levelling foot press firmly against the floor.
Check if the compressor is the cause of the buzzing sound coming from the fridge. If it is, it needs to be repaired or replaced. You should also try cleaning the condenser coils and fan to check if there is any built-up dirt and if this is causing the noise.
Note that there are some sounds that are perfectly normal, so don’t be alarmed just because you hear something you aren’t accustomed to. If your fridge is very old though, an unexpected sound could be its fair warning.
Ice Keeps Building Up Fast and Frequently
Frequent and fast ice buildup usually means there is a lot of humidity entering your freezer, which indicates there is an issue with the door seals or hinges. It can also be caused by overstuffing and blocking its vents. If you’re not defrosting your freezer regularly, make the time to do it as soon as possible, and then pay attention how long it will take for the ice to start building up again.
If you find there is no obvious cause for increased ice buildup, it can be a sign that your fridge is losing its efficiency and needs to be replaced.
The Outside of The Fridge Feels Hotter Than Usual
While it is normal for your fridge to generate some heat as part of the refrigeration process, heating up more than usual can be a sign that something is wrong. Make sure to check if there is enough space between your fridge and its surroundings to allow the fridge to dissipate heat properly.
If there is enough space, but the fridge is still heating up a lot, it could indicate a malfunctioning cooling system. This is a potential fire hazard, so you should address the issue promptly. You may end up needing to buy a new fridge.
Food Is Spoiling Before Its Expiration Date
If you have food in your fridge that is consistently spoiling before its expiration date, despite having stored it correctly, your fridge can no longer preserve food as it should. If you notice the milk seems to be going off in a matter of days or your fruit never seems to stay fresh, look into it.
Before you send it for repair or decide it is time to buy a new one, double check the temperature settings of the fridge and disinfect it to make sure there is no bacteria inside that might be causing the spoilage.
There Is a Lot of Condensation Inside
Condensation inside a refrigerator is normal and is a byproduct of the cooling process. When the fridge cools the air inside, it can no longer hold as much moisture, which then condenses on the interior walls. Once the temperature inside stabilises, the condensation should go away.
If it doesn’t go away on its own and keeps building up on the interior walls, it could be caused by dirty or damaged door seals.
High ambient temperatures can also be the cause of excessive condensation. The compressor must run for a long time to maintain the temperature inside the fridge, which can result in condensation and sometimes ice buildup.
Another possible cause for excessive condensation in the fridge can be a thermostat set too low. Setting the temperature too low can cause the compressor to run longer, which leaves less time for the condensation to drain.
Check if the cause of excessive condensation is any of the things mentioned above. Make sure to regularly clean your fridge to get rid of any condensation. If it keeps persisting, it might be time to call in a repairman or consider getting a new fridge.
It Is Very Quiet
Even though modern fridges are designed to operate quietly, an unusually silent fridge can indicate a compressor malfunction. It should be making some noise from time to time. If you suddenly realise you haven’t heard it in a while, it’s time to investigate.
Try to set the thermostat to a really low setting to kickstart the compressor into operation. If nothing happens, it could be broken and in need of repair.
Depending on your fridge model, age, and availability of parts, a compressor repair can be expensive or impossible – which means that replacing your fridge may be your best option.
Your Electricity Bill Has Gone Up
If you notice a significant increase in your electricity bill, but haven’t increased your electricity consumption, the cause could be a malfunctioning fridge. As refrigerators get older, their efficiency decreases, and they must consume more power to maintain a proper temperature.
Such performance impairment can significantly impact your electricity bill. If you decide to buy a new fridge, look for one that is very energy efficient and that can help you reduce your carbon footprint.
The Door Seals Are Starting to Go
The door seals (or gaskets) play a crucial role in keeping the fridge door airtight and preventing hot and humid air from entering the fridge. If they don’t seal properly and the fridge door stays open, you risk food spoilage and even fridge malfunction.
If you notice any cracks, tears, or other wear signs on the seals, it is likely that they are compromised and need to be replaced. This should be a simple and inexpensive task.
Note that fridge door seals are meant to last a long time, so if you need to replace them, you will probably need to start looking at a new fridge soon too.
The Fridge Is Over 10 Years Old
A typical fridge lifespan ranges from 10 to 15 years, depending on the model and build quality. If your fridge has reached or surpassed the decade mark, and you notice a performance decrease or multiple signs of deterioration, it’s worth considering a new one.
There are things you can do to make your fridge last longer, so if you particularly like your current model, try some of them.
Note that new fridge models are built to be energy efficient, with advanced features such as automatic defrosting, vacation mode, etc., and they can save your money in the long run.
It No Longer Fits Your Needs
If your lifestyle has undergone major changes, your fridge may no longer be able to accommodate your needs. If your family has grown and the fridge is too small, or if you want to move and it is too big for you, it is time for a replacement. An overstocked or understocked fridge will have a hard time maintaining a proper temperature, so it is best to replace it sooner rather than later. If your old fridge is still working properly, you can sell or donate it.
Wrapping Up
If you’ve noticed any of the above signs of fridge wear and tear, start looking into newer models. It’s always better to have time to consider what you want from an appliance and make an educated decision than having to replace it in a hurry because your old one has broken down.