How Often Should You Wash Each Item of Clothing?
We all want to make sure that our clothes both last long, and remain clean and well-preserved. Knowing how often we need to wash them can thus be a bit confusing. The most general rule of thumb you can adhere...
Can You Put Shoes in the Dryer?
When you wash your shoes, you’ll naturally want them to dry as soon as possible. In the summer, this may be achieved by a simple shoes-in-the-window manoeuvre. But what happens in the wintertime? Can you use a dryer to speed...
Does 100% Polyester Shrink?
Polyester is a popular, versatile fabric that is used to make everything from clothing to pillowcases, curtains, even toys. It also happens to have a notorious reputation for shrinking easily, which makes a lot of us slightly weary when...
Can You Leave Wet Laundry in the Washer Overnight?
We’ve all done it: forgot the washing machine had stopped a few hours back and left a load of wet laundry in there overnight. If we were lucky, we managed to get away with it completely unscathed. If we weren’t...
How Long Does a Washing Machine Take to Wash Clothes?
Laundry is a hassle for most of us, even though we have the help of highly efficient washing machines and tumble dryers. Waiting for a washing cycle to finish sometimes seems like an eternity, especially if you want to...
What Spin Speed Should I Use on a Washing Machine?
Modern washing machines are incredibly intelligent. They offer various wash cycles and spin speeds, and some of them are even smart enough to choose the best ones for you. If you want to manually set the spin speed on your...
Do Moths Eat Cotton Clothes?
Have you ever put on a freshly washed jumper, walked out the door, only to discover there is a hole in it that you could have sworn was not there when you ironed it? Clothes moths can ruin anyone’s day,...
Can You Put Soaking Wet Clothes in the Dryer?
Sometimes you open your washing machine and find that the clothes inside are soaking wet. This is more likely to happen when you wash small loads and use low spin cycles on sensitive items. If you don’t have time...
How to Iron Without an Iron
If you find yourself without an iron but need to remove the wrinkles out of your clothes in a hurry, worry not: there are several hacks you can employ to iron without an iron. Whether you are stuck in a...
What Are the 3 Compartments in a Washing Machine?
Washing machines are one of those appliances we tend to take for granted. Just imagine how long it would take you to do all that laundry by hand though? And while you may never actually need to know how they...