How To Unclog a Toilet With Poop In It
I do realise this is rather a disgusting topic, but it’s something we should talk about. Your toilet can get clogged, a fact you may be oblivious to until you sit down to do a number two and find...
How To Remove Brown Stains in the Bottom of the Toilet Bowl
If you’ve recently spotted a brown stain at the bottom of your toilet bowl, you may have started to question your hygiene and cleanliness habits. Fret not, the stain is most likely caused by hard water. The bad news is...
Does Bleach Unclog Drains? Should You Be Using It?
A bathroom or kitchen drain gets clogged when dirt, hair, skin flakes, grease, food remains, or shampoo scum bind to the walls of drain pipes. Over time, the gunk accumulates and significantly reduces water flow, until it is completely...
How to Clean Vertical, Venetian, Horizontal, Roller and Every Other Kind of Blinds
I don’t know about you, but dusting has always been a chore I found tiresome. While it’s definitely much less of a workout than vacuuming, I’ve never enjoyed doing it. Perhaps it’s the futility of the task, knowing I will...
How to Clean a Toaster in 8 Easy Steps
Whether you love it or merely like it, toast can be an absolute lifesaver in the mornings (in the evenings, in the middle of the day, or basically at any point in time where you are rushing out the...
How to Clean Bathroom Tiles (Even When You Absolutely Don’t Want To)
We are all fairly familiar with my love of doing the dishes by now. However, I’m not sure if I’ve ever spoken about my revulsion for cleaning the bathroom. There is no other household chore I dislike as much...
What is Baking Soda Called in the UK?
The difference between baking soda, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda can at times appear completely confounding. With two sodas and two baking compounds in the mix, how can one be expected to distinguish between them?Let’s try to figure...
How to Get Mould Off a Washing Machine’s Rubber Seal
Mould thrives in dark, damp areas. Your washing machine, particularly its rubber seal, is thus an ideal breeding ground for all kinds of mould. If this growth gets out of hand, you can expect your washer to start smelling...
Can You Put a Sponge in the Dishwasher?
Your kitchen sponge is one of the filthiest items in your entire kitchen. While it may look quite clean and in fact smell perfectly okay, it is in fact teeming with bacteria. Luckily, most of them aren’t actually all...
Can You Buy Borax in the UK?
Borax used to be a very popular cleaning agent, used for everything from washing the laundry to making the toilet bowl extra sparkly. It is still often recommended by bloggers and news outlets, but there is a catch: you...