How To Defrost A Fridge
Defrosting a fridge is an important process that removes ice buildup and consequently increases the performance and energy efficiency of your refrigerator. The layer...
18 Tips To Make Your Fridge Last Longer
Modern fridges usually last between 10 and 20 years. And while they will more or less inevitably break down at some point, there are...
How Often Should You Clean Your Fridge?
When was the last time you cleaned your fridge? If we were to come over to your house right now, would we find any...
What is the Coldest Fridge Setting?
We have come to take our fridges for granted, like much of our modern existence. The fridge is there, it will keep our food...
How Long Does It Take a Fridge To Get Cold?
When you buy a new fridge (or unplug yours to defrost and clean it), you will undoubtedly want to know how long it will...
What Happens If You Leave the Fridge Door Open?
We’ve all done it. Had our hands full and left the fridge door to close itself, only to discover it has in fact failed...
Can You Plug a Fridge Into an Extension Cord?
When buying a new fridge, remodelling your kitchen or moving, you may find that your fridge’s cord has suddenly become too short. Do you...
How Long Do You Have to Wait to Put Food in a New Fridge?
Getting a new fridge is always exciting. It’s clean, it’s probably more spacious, and it feels like a fresh start. The question that naturally arises...
Should a Fridge Be Turned Off When Not In Use?
One of the common questions that pop up when it comes to leaving home appliances unused for some time is whether we should unplug...
How Long After Moving a Fridge Can It Be Turned On?
When you move a fridge, whether it is your old one or a brand new one, you will need to wait a while before...
What Temperature Should a Fridge Be?
The temperature a fridge is set to work at plays a very important role in preserving food and keeping it safe while it is...
Can You Put the Fridge Next to the Oven?
Small kitchens can be a nightmare to organise. If you want to have several appliances: fridge, oven, microwave oven, etc, you will need to...
How To Unclog a Toilet With Poop In It
I do realise this is rather a disgusting topic, but it’s something we should talk about. Your toilet can get clogged, a fact you...
How To Remove Brown Stains in the Bottom of the Toilet Bowl
If you’ve recently spotted a brown stain at the bottom of your toilet bowl, you may have started to question your hygiene and cleanliness...
How Long to Wait Between Primer and Paint?
Painting a room (or an entire home) can both be an incredibly relaxing, and a bit of a bothersome activity. In order to achieve...
Can You Paint Over Peeling Paint?
Nothing can ruin a room’s appearance like peeling paint. If it’s a tiny stain, you can perhaps cover it up with a photo or...
Does Paint Dry Darker or Lighter?
When painting a room yourself, especially if it’s for the first time, you will have plenty of questions on your mind. While certainly no...
Do I Need to Cut In Twice When Painting?
Painting a room yourself is often the more affordable option, as all it will cost you is the paint and the tools required for...
12 Tools You Need to Paint Any Room
Painting a room can be a whole lot of fun - especially if you make it a family project, or rope in a bunch...
Does Bleach Unclog Drains? Should You Be Using It?
A bathroom or kitchen drain gets clogged when dirt, hair, skin flakes, grease, food remains, or shampoo scum bind to the walls of drain...
What is the Best Drain Unblocker on the UK Market?
Blocked drains are a fact of life. No matter how well you scrape your plates before putting them in the kitchen sink, or how...