HomeBuyer's GuidesBathroomBest Bathroom Scales: Weight is Just a Number

Best Bathroom Scales: Weight is Just a Number

Oh, how I used to hate my bathroom scales.

I still do, in a way, but to a lesser extent.

At various points in my life I hated the numbers they kept showing me, and was close to chucking them out at others. I never could come up with a plausible and non-insane-sounding excuse though, so the scales stuck.

And then we were moving, and I decided to go all Marie Kondo on all of our belongings, so the antiquated scales went promptly to the charity pile.

One day I came home from the shops to find a box wrapped up on the kitchen table. Tom had ordered us (I mean me) some new bathroom scales, and explained it away with a “we could use them, no?”, and left the room munching on a carrot.

Needless to say, this was not the best gift I have ever come home to, but I do have to admit that the bathroom scales we own today are more intelligent (or should I say smart) than the old ones, and they do provide more insight (not all of which is bad).

Which brings me to today and this article, where I will try to sum up the 10 best bathroom scales you can find in the UK – and hopefully you won’t resent me for shoving such a hated gadget under your nose.

Also, I feel the need to add a huge disclaimer right here.


Your weight does not define you.

You are not your weight.

Loving yourself at any weight may be a never-ending challenge, but it is also an effort worth pursuing for the rest of your life.

You can be healthy and not reach your “ideal weight”.

You can be extremely unhealthy and maintain that same “ideal weight”.

Numbers on a scale do not define you.

I urge you to only use it as an aid to living the best life you possibly can – and not as a torture device.

Now let’s look at some of the features of bathroom scales you want to be mindful of:

What to Look for in Bathroom Scales

You may be thinking that scales are just scales – and you would be right. But as technology has evolved, so have your regular old bathroom scales, and you might want to check some of these features out before making a purchase.

Capacity: in other words, how much of a weight they can tolerate. Most scales have a very decent capacity, so this concern should not arise in most circumstances. If you are very heavy though, look at the capacity before making a choice.

Units: are you looking for pounds or kilograms (or like me, prefer whichever option shows the lower number?)

Functionality: this is by far the most important factor to consider, as smart modern bathroom scales can measure much more than weight, including body fat percentage, water percentage, muscle percentage, calories, BMI, and so on. Depending on your goals, you definitely want ones that caters to your specific needs.

Weight tracking: some scales can also keep track of your weight and your progress over time, so depending on how much you thrive on numbers, this might be a good feature to have

Activity tracker connectivity: some smart scales can be connected to your preferred activity tracker, so if you really thrive on numbers, this feature can be what seals the deal for you

Material: this may matter more or less, depending on where you store your scales. If they are on show, you might want a nicer model, but if you just chuck them under the cupboard, they need not be as pretty.

Energy efficiency: another good thing to look for is a set of scales that will turn off automatically, so as to safe battery life. Not too much to ask for, and a neat way to do your bit for the environment.

Now that we have covered our basics, let’s take a look at some actual items:

1 – Salter Doctor Style Mechanical Bathroom Scales

  • Weight limit: 150 kilograms
  • Features: none

Let’s start with a very basic model, a set of bathroom scales that look good, but that don’t come with dozens of bells and whistles.

These look like something you would come across in an old-fashioned doctor’s office. It has an analogue dial, which is mostly what lends it that retro feel, and it’s sturdy and rough. It comes with a metal platform, and there are no batteries, buttons or dials involved – all you have to do is step on the scale, and you are going to get a reading.

It can measure up to 150 kilograms, so you should be fine with this model.

If all you want to do is see how much you weigh without having to bother with batteries, LCD displays, and setting anything up – this mechanical bathroom scale is your ideal choice.

2 – Greater Goods Digital Bathroom Body Scale

  • Weight limit: 180 kilograms
  • Features: none

If you would on the other hand prefer a digital model, but one that is simple and straightforward and will not overwhelm you with data, we have this Greater Goods model.

These bathroom scales come with a large display that will tell you how much you weigh, and with a sturdy top made of tempered glass. It can measure up to 180 kilograms, so you don’t have to worry about the glass cracking (a very real fear, let me tell you – I can’t bear to stand on glass, no matter how firm it appears to be).

This Greater Goods model is famed for its accuracy – of plus or minus 0.2 pounds – so you can rest assured your number will be up.

What I especially like about it though is the fact that a part of the proceeds from every sale goes towards Love146, an organisation that aims to end child trafficking and that provides care for survivors.

If you are looking for a way to give something back (and some bathroom scales), this purchase can be your way to combine the two.

3 – Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale

  • Weight limit: 180 kilograms
  • Features: none

Another simple but mighty bathroom scale is this Etekcity model. It’s black, it’s sleek, and it gets the job done.

In fact, this set of bathroom scales has been found to be one of the more accurate models by different review websites, so if you are looking for precision above all else, this might be your guy.

It has an auto-off setting, meaning you won’t have to remember to switch it off once you step off, and it’s also silent and does not beep to alert you to its activity.

The LCD screen is blue and goes nicely with the black tempered glass design (6 millimetres thick and perfectly safe). It also has a switch on the back that lets you switch between pounds and kilograms, if you ever need to.

It will give you a reading within 10 seconds, can tolerate weights of up to 400 pounds, and is simply a reliable, accurate and stylish model. If you are not looking for much else, these could be your new bathroom scales.

4 – Etekcity Scales Digital Weighing Bathroom Scales

  • Weight limit: 180 kilograms
  • Features: none

Here is another Etekcity model for you, just as nice as the previous one, but this one is clear instead of black. If design plays an important role in your decision-making, this one will likely be the easier to fit into just about any bathroom.

It can measure weight from 5 to 180 kilograms, and is accurate within 0.1 kilogram – so another reliable model. It also turns on and off automatically, has a low battery indicator, and shows your results as you step onto the glass.

The LCD screen is again blue, and it will give you your reading in kilograms, pounds or stone, which is just an added plus.

It also comes with a measuring tape – so you can keep additional track of your weight loss or muscle gain progress, and the batteries are also included.

Once again, straightforward, reliable, accurate and does an excellent job of what it’s meant to do – tell you how much you, or something else, weighs.

5 – Taylor Electronic Glass Talking Bathroom Scale

  • Weight limit: 200 kilograms
  • Features: talking

Here are some bathroom scales that do have that one extra feature – they talk.

They can measure up to 440 pounds and are made of tempered glass once again. The grey and glass combination also makes them quite stylish, and you should have no issues with displaying them.

The scales can announce your weight in pounds or in kilograms, in English, Spanish, Greek, German or Croatian. You can adjust the volume easily too. They will also display your weight on the LCD screen, so you don’t have to rely on the voice to tell you what you have measured.

As usual, it also has an auto-off feature, a low battery indicator, and will turn on when you step on it. Batteries are also included.

This set of scales is ideal for those who are visually impaired, or the elderly who would prefer not to fetch their glasses just to be able to see the number on the scale. If you have an elderly relative who needs to lose a bit of weight, these bathroom scales might be a nice way to nudge them in the right direction.

6 – Fitbit Aria 2 Smart Scale

  • Weight limit: 180 kilograms
  • Features: weight, BMI, body fat percentage, lean mass, syncs with your Fitbit account

Let us now move on to the realm of the smart scale – bathroom scales that do a bit more than just tell you how much you weigh.

If you are already a Fitbit user, you will appreciate this model. If you are looking to get much more serious about your fitness journey, this is again a nice choice.

It measures your weight, body fat percentage, lean mass and BMI, so you will have plenty of information available to help you make smart and informed fitness choices.

It will automatically sync with your Fitbit via WiFi, and it can track your progress with simple graphs you will have no trouble deciphering. You will need a Bluetooth device to set it up, but it only takes a couple of minutes with a smartphone, and you won’t have to worry about it again.

The Fitbit Smart Scale can recognise up to 8 users and will keep each individual’s stats private – so you can access your own, but maybe not keep an eye on how your spouse is doing, if they don’t want you to.

While it can also weigh users who don’t do Fitbit, they will only be able to see their weight. Fitbit users can keep track of their progress digitally, without the need to keep writing their results down.

If you like wearables, want a more complete breakdown of your weight and progress, and if you are into the science of fitness, these bathroom scales can be just the right choice.

Also, let me note that this is the gift Tom gave me – to match the Fitbit he had already purchased for both of us. And while I have to admit I was quite annoyed by the bleeping and the tracking, it turns out it’s actually very helpful, and a great way to get motivated.

7 – Withings Body Cardio – Premium Wi-Fi Body Composition Smart Scale

  • Weight limit: 180 kilograms
  • Features: weight, body fat percentage, water percentage, muscle mass, bone mass, heart rate monitor, can be synced with health apps

If you are looking to go even further with your bathroom scales, here is a model I definitely recommend you to check out.

This Withings model was created in partnership with Nokia, and it has a unique cardio check-in feature. It can determine the state of your cardiovascular health with the use of pulse wave velocity – so if you are into running, lifting, or on the other hand, think you have turned into a bit of a couch potato, this scale can help you uncover the truth about the state of your heart.

It will also measure your weight, body fat and water percentage, as well as your muscle and bone mass.

It can also store information for up to 8 different users, and it will recognise who is stepping onto the scale (which is a bit of a freakout, if you ask me).

It can be synced with the Health Mate app, where you will be able to access all of your data and history, and make smarter choices about your diet, exercise and general health. It can also sync with your Apple Watch and over 100 fitness apps (including Apple Health, Fitbit and Google Fit).

The battery is rechargeable, but you won’t need to think about that for as long as 18 months.

The feature I like the most is the Pregnancy Tracker, that will help you stay in the healthy weight gain range when expecting, and it also comes with OBGYN-reviewed advice, helping you stay on track during the pregnancy.

These are some incredible bathroom scales – in fact, you can look at them as a fitness buddy and health coach, and not just a simple gadget. Great for all the fitness buffs out there.

8 – Tanita Ironman BC-1500 Wireless Segmental Body Composition Monitor

  • Weight limit: 200 kilograms
  • Features: weight, body fat percentage, water percentage, muscle mass, highly scientific data breakdown

If you want something even more advanced, I would recommend you take a look at the Tanita Ironman. While the name might be evocative of Tony Stark, it’s actually the other ironman we are referring to – you know, the triathlon?

These scales use 8 electrodes to calculate your body composition, and they come with 4 retractable handles and 4 sensors on the scales themselves, making the readings very accurate and precise.

What you get is a complete look at your body composition: fat, water and muscle mass, but you can also measure specific areas of your body – trunk, arms and legs.

You will need to download the software that lets you access the data, which will not be overly user friendly though – so if you are into fitness and science at a more advanced level (or are actually a triathlete and looking to do your first (or subsequent) Ironman), you will enjoy the wealth of data.

It is Garmin Ant+ compatible and can track up to 8 users, so your friends and fellow athletes can benefit from it too.

This is definitely not a product for someone who is just looking to get a bit fitter or keep track of their weight – so if that’s you, this is definitely not the model for you.

9 – Tanita BC-533 Glass Innerscan Body Composition Monitor

  • Weight limit: 150 kilograms
  • Features: weight, body fat percentage, water percentage, muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age, daily caloric intake, visceral fat

Here is another Tanita model, but a little bit less intimidating.

It will measure your weight, your body fat percentage, water percentage, muscle mass, bone mass, daily caloric intake, metabolic age, physique rating and visceral fat.

It does also give you a weight-only option, as well as an athlete mode and a guest mode – so you can use it if you are a pro, and have other use it as just a regular scale.

It will give you are reading within 20 seconds, and it uses the brand’s exclusive bioelectric impedance analysis, which sounds very advanced and is what provides such detailed and reliable data.

It can tolerate weights of up to 330 pounds, and is accurate to 0.2 pounds – much like most of the other models we have been looking at. What is does have unlike the others is a calorie estimation feature, telling you how many calories you should eat to maintain your weight, and the metabolic age and visceral fat readings are what truly make it stand out.

If you are serious about your health and fitness – this can be the right model for you.

10 – OMRON BF511 Full Body Composition Monitor

  • Weight limit: 150 kilograms
  • Features: weight, body fat percentage, BMI, visceral fat, skeletal muscle, resting metabolism

And finally, to wrap this list up, here are some bathroom scales that look like they belong in a gym, and not a home. But if you are very into your fitness or are an athlete, you might want to check this guy out.

It measures your body fat percentage and your BMI, as well as your resting metabolism, visceral fat composition, skeletal muscle percentage, and of course, your actual weight (in pounds or kilograms).

It has 8 sensors that use both your feet and your hands to get the most accurate measurements, so it will definitely not feel like you have just stepped on the scale – it might feel a bit more clinical than that. Especially since you have to bend over to get a reading, which might not exactly be the most pleasant of experiences.

You don’t have to sync it with an app, as it provides all the detail then and there.

A good set of advanced scales, if that is what you are in the market for.

Which Bathroom Scales to Buy?

If you are just looking to measure your weight – any of the first five models will do a great job.

If you are looking to get a more in-depth reading about the composition of your body, are an athlete or work out a lot and want to go into more detail – models 6 through 10 could be just what you are looking for.

Don’t forget that weight is just a number, just like age, and that your worth and value is not defined by it.



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